Keep On Truckin

When I turned on the news this morning, I expected hear the latest updates on Ukraine, but the story was the trucks coming to Washington. Most of us have been focused on Ukraine lately, but apparently there’s another war — right here in our own backyard. The news station interviewed someone by the name of Bob Bolus (from Pennsylvania, I think) — He said, “We’re going to put a stranglehold on D.C. They don’t have enough cops, enough people to stop us. We’re going to shut the Beltway down.” 

Of course, the first thing that came to my mind is that the Beltway is pretty much “shut down” every day — during rush hour. But what I really wondered, was, what is this group fighting for? I gather it’s a continuation of the “protest” in Canada. If I understood correctly, the Canadians started out angry about mask and vaccine mandates. Then they began talking about a wealth gap, government overreach, Confederates, Nazis, and then Trump 2024 flags popped up.

But back to Bob Bolus — he said he’s mad at Nancy Pilosi’s Gestapo and that wacko mayor of D.C. His people are unified, invincible, standing up fighting. Even after his explanation, the details of what they’re fighting for, escapes me.

Later in the newscast, another trucker, Brian Brase said, “A lot of people have asked why we’re doing this — what’s the reason behind it. People want a defined, clear answer. They think it’s one thing. The truth is, it’s about my children. It’s about my future grandchildren. It’s about our families. It’s about our country. It’s about letting our government know that you work for us.” 
Well, after listening to Bolus’s reasons, Brian’s explanation certainly cleared it up for me….

The list of things that are concerning to me and I’m paying attention to is pretty long — but here we are spending resources, money and energy on these convoys….. because their “grievances” and non-specific demands haven’t been met? 
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