There are a lot of reasons that I don’t particularly like February — it’s certainly near the bottom of my list of favorite months. But even so, there are a few reasons to keep it around, like Chinese New Year, Super Bowl and maybe Valentine’s Day.
But I particularly like February 18 — National Drink Wine Day and today’s one of my favorite February days, too. Today, February 22, is not only my Friend George’s real birthday, it’s also National Margarita Day.
Margarita’s exact history is hard to pin down, but it seems have originated, or at least started to become popular back in the mid-1900s. Needless to say, it’s a popular drink in the US and pretty much around the world.
I think it’s appropriate that margaritas get their own day — after all, they’ve always been there for us — many times, along with a good friend, they’ve helped us solve our problems, without seeking the guidance of a licensed therapist.
So we should recognize that and pay them their due respect….
Happy Margarita Day.
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