We were invited to a Super Bowl party this coming Sunday. I can’t say that I’m not looking forward to the party, but it still doesn’t change my opinion of Super Bowl parties. You may be aware that I’ve been on a campaign to do away with Super Bowl parties and hold Pro Bowl parties instead. At the risk of repeating myself (that’s what you do when you’re on a campaign) the change in venue would be beneficial to everyone. Super Bowl parties are all about the party — no one goes to a Super Bowl party to watch the Super Bowl. Have a Pro Bowl party and it can be all about the party — no one watches, or cares, about the Pro Bowl. You can party on and there’s still a football game on television.

It’s a win-win — you can have your party and then stay home the next week and watch the Super Bowl.
If you’re a football fan, you know that the Pro Bowl supposedly features football’s biggest stars, but every year more and more of the biggest stars decline their invitations to participate.
So — considering the lack of player, fan and league interest, why does the Pro Bowl exist? I have the answer, and it’s the only reason — it’s a great day for a party!! Once again, I’ve made my argument and I rest my case….
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