Today, 2/2/22 is a the day we’ve all been waiting for. Yea, it’s Groundhog Day, but today is the day we find out the new name of the Washington Football Team, previously known as the Redskins! The excitement has been building for the past couple of weeks, and — finally — today’s the day.
But even on an important and historic day like today, we can’t forget that in most years, February 2 would just be another day on the calendar if it wasn’t for the great Punxsutawney Phil. Will he see his shadow? Will he not see his shadow? Can he really predict the weather? Why do we care?
Punxsutawney Phil may be the most famous, but supposedly all groundhogs can predict the weather. But not with their shadow — because groundhogs hibernate every winter, the fact that they bother to leave their hideaway is a natural sign that spring is coming.

Even though we refer to the Pennsylvania groundhog as Punxsutawney Phil, he has a ridiculously long official name. His full name is “Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators, and Weather Prophet Extraordinary.”
The National Climatic Data Center compared U.S. national temperatures to determine the accuracy of Phil’s predictions — he’s only been correct 39% of the time. That’s significantly worse than chance.
One true fact about groundhogs has led to a popular joke: What do groundhogs have in common with sleazy construction workers? Answer: They both whistle at potential mates. Because of this groundhog trait, they are also known as “whistle-pigs” (lecherous day laborers are known simply as “pigs.”)
Designated animal weathermen vary from culture to culture. Medieval cults favored bears, holding parties by their dens, dressed up in grizzly costumes and waiting for a bear to lumber out from hibernation and check the weather. But we’ve got Phil and loyal fans swear by his predictions — that he’s been making since 1886 — so don’t believe that bit that groundhogs only live up to six years.
And even though the Washington Football Team is stealing Phil’s thunder today, it’s still Phil’s day….
The Washington Football Team is now the Commanders — and — there will be six more weeks of winter. Both about equally surprising, I guess.
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