
This time of year you always hear about the first new baby of the new year — there was news story about that last evening. A few years ago that was a bigger deal than it is now, because the parents always got a lot of free “stuff” because their baby was the first born in the new year. I don’t hear so much about that anymore

I’ve noticed that many businesses and products use the word “first” in their names. I guess being first has become important to all of us. Who wants to be the second man on the Moon, or take second place in a race. When I was young, I remember almost all banks being the “First National Bank.” Even churches latched on to being first — the church I attended in Maysville was the First Baptist Church. Recently I’ve noticed some that some seem satisfied with being second — a few days ago, we passed the Second Baptist Church in Martinsburg.

But anyhow, I got to thinking…. I don’t know how we’d get along without the word first. What would a football game be without a first quarter? And you couldn’t even get started in school without the first grade; we all have a first name and the country has a first lady. What with so many wars throughout history, it’s hard to believe we picked one to be the first world war. Many discussions start with “first things first…” and there’s always a first among equals. We all form a first impression and often jump into things feet first. If we get up early we can see the first light and be the first come, first served. I’m writing this blog in my office on the first floor of our house. We’re all proud of our kids when they take their first step or say their first word. Most people that own a house have, or had, a first mortgage. When people get hurt, they’re administered first aid, often by a first responder. 

So the list of firsts that we encounter every day goes on and on. I think this is the first time I’ve blogged about “firsts.” The fact is, most everything has a “first,” that’s usually where you start and usually being first at something is good…. I know, that’s not nearly always the case — I could make another list. Who wants to be the one that puts the first scratch on a new car? Or the first to be fired from a company, or the first to get Covid, or……
So — life is full of firsts… some good, some not so much.
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