I Do Resolve Again

Well, it’s that time again — the new year is almost here and that means it’s time for my annual New Year’s Resolution blog. I know I go through this same spiel every year, but I do it to remind you not to be too hard on me when I don’t live up new year’s expectations….
Resolutions are a way of expressing one’s desire to change something in themselves or adapt to a new challenge. We all know that very few succeed in pursuing their resolution(s) and many come up with excuses for failing to carry out their resolution.

Actually, I never make excuses — I only explain why keeping some of my resolutions was not possible, usually due to forces beyond my control. But nonetheless, I annually make resolutions, always with the best intentions and fully intend to keep them. I also readily admit when I fall short.

I used to make a long list of resolutions — the past few years I’ve shortened the list and made my resolutions more realistic…. that’s my plan again for 2022. A short list with a reasonable chance to succeed in keeping them all. So, here’s my list for the coming year:
• Even though in the past, I’ve resolved to be nicer to people, this year I resolve to be extra nice to people that do exactly what I want.
• Although I don’t read, or understand, “Tweets,” and in the past I’ve resolved (unsuccessfully) to do one, this year I resolve to write one.
• Last year I resolved to become really good at procrastination — I think I’ll be able to accomplish that this year — or maybe next year.
• I resolve to be more optimistic in 2022 — I will always look at my wine glass as half-full, not half-empty.

That’s my list — all admiral resolutions that I think I can achieve. It’s been a tough couple of years for all of us, but once again the new year offers us a new beginning. No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.
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