Today is election day in Virginia and a few other states…. we’ve all heard that voting is our civic duty. But do we really take that seriously? I’ve mentioned before that I’ve lived in places where elections were not fair or there were no elections. I think if everyone had those experiences we wouldn’t have such a lackadaisical attitude about voting.

I think voting is more important today than anytime in my adult life. I truly don’t understand why people would not vote. One reason I hear often is that people don’t believe their vote counts — no matter if you vote, there is corruption and nothing will change. OK — let’s say you don’t vote on voting day. Voter turnout is low, which invariably favors the incumbents — the very people you’re not happy with. You’re unhappy, you didn’t vote, and they get re-elected. The bottom line is that the candidates that you believe could have best represented you don’t get into office — and you are still discouraged with the government. If you continue to do this, how do you expect things to bet better? There are three words you hear every election year and they say it all: Your. Vote. Counts.

Every adult citizen of the United States should exercise their right to vote in every election. People have died to establish this right — to be heard and have a say in electing the best administration for future generations. 

People that don’t vote but complain about how the government is run are hypocrites. You have to earn your right to complain. Go vote — what do you have to lose?
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