
Our family knows that it would probably be fairly easy to fill volumes of books with “Bobbie stories.” Bobbie the Nun is probably one of the most unique characters you’ll ever meet. 
While we were driving in heavy traffic a few days ago, I thought about a typical Bobbie story….

Every time we took Bobbie anywhere she always began the trip with a quick “destination prayer.” Actually I don’t know if that’s what it was called, but she always said a quick prayer that we got to our destination safely. And she always ended the prayer with…. “and please protect us from all the crazies.”
Finally, one day I said to Bobbie, “Gee, Bobbie, calling people crazies doesn’t seem like a very christian thing to do.”
After that, she always ended the prayer with “…. and please protect us from all the irresponsible drivers.”
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