Crush a Can

Today is National Crush a Can Day. The day was created to help educate people about the benefits of recycling. A couple of guys I play golf with always crush their beer cans before tossing them — they seem to enjoy the routine, So today not only gives you the opportunity to crush, squeeze and bend cans into small shapes, it’s also a chance to share can compression fun with others. Proponents of this day suggest that crushing cans is a fantastic stress buster, but can crushing is also a great way to get more cans into a smaller space at recycling facilities….

No one believes recycling is not a good idea, just not everyone does it. Too bad, because there’s lots of benefits….
If you laid all the aluminum cans recycled in 2010 end to end, they could circle the earth 169 times.
In America, 105,800 cans are recycled every minute
Recycling aluminum saves 95% of the energy it would have taken to process the same amount from a virgin source
Your television can run 3 hours from the energy saved by recycling one can
Aluminum cans are worth about a penny each
The aluminum industry pays more than $1 billion annually for recycled cans

Aluminum can are the second most recycled material after steel in the United States. However, we still throw out more than 1 million tons of aluminum each year. Unlike some recyclables, aluminum can be recycled over and over.

So — recycling aluminum cans saves a considerable amount of energy, reduces carbon dioxide emissions as well as reducing the amount of waste headed into landfills. Crush that can!
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