Herding Goats in the Sky

Both of you faithful readers may remember a blog a few years ago about goats from a neighboring farm wrecking havoc in our neighborhood. You’ll also remember that the hero of that episode was an Australian Sheep Dog named Ralphi. Ralphi was our neighbor and although he had never done it before, herded all the goats into our neighbors driveway and kept them there until we found out where they belonged. Ralphi then proceeded to herd them all the way back to the farm and into their pen.

Ralphi attended all the Field Crest Court circle parties. He brought the paper in every morning – and if guests were visiting, he took the paper to their room. When Ryan was visiting a few years ago, he said that Ralphi was a better ball player than most of the Indians, or “Tribe” as they’re called in Cleveland.

Well, after 15 years of bringing happiness to everyone around him, Ralphi has gone to Dog Heaven. People that like dogs know that they express their love in many ways and no matter how bad a day you’ve had, they’re always there for you – think it’s called unconditional love or something like that and it’s probably one of the best feelings in the universe.

To call Ralphi a dog doesn’t do him justice. He had four legs, wagged his tail and he did bark. But to all of us on Field Crest Court that knew him well, he was just our neighbor. Rest in Peace, Ralphi.


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3 Responses to Herding Goats in the Sky

  1. JR says:

    Sounds like Ralphi was a great member of the neighborhood and will be missed by everyone.

  2. Angie Leicht says:

    Ralph was a champ 🙂 What a nice dog.

  3. Paul Maher says:

    Thanks Jimmy. He touched a lot of peoples lives and its probably safe to say he had more friends than us! We miss him.

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