Happy 13th Anniversary

A few days ago, on July 20, I talked about the anniversary of the first maned landing on the Moon. July 20 is certainly a memorable day for most Americans. But another anniversary that I intended to discuss on the 20th is pretty important to some people in Shepherdstown. 

July 20th, 2021 was the 13th anniversary of the (new) St. Agnes Church here in Shepherdstown. When we moved here, we went to church in what is now know as the St. Agnes Chapel. The building was built in the 1700s, was very small, occasionally had bats flying around inside and had absolutely no place to park. 

The initiative to build the new church was underway when we moved to Shepherdstown and we were fortunate enough to get in on some of those activities. The “new” church is not perfect, but it’s a huge improvement over the old facilities. 

It may be a little late — although it can probably never be too late to celebrate something special — but happy anniversary to St. Agnes. Every July 20th, we may think about Space and the Moon, but St. Agnes reminds us we’re in a pretty good place here in Shepherdstown.
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