
Well, we all seem to have made it through the 4th safe and sound so we find ourselves in the midst of summer. In case you’re reading this some years from now, you may be interested to know that the President and First Lady hosted a July 4 celebration at the White House yesterday with a barbecue for military families and essential workers. Part of the reason was to celebrate “independence” from the coronavirus as cases continue to fall and vaccinations rise.
Demolition experts took down the rest of the partially collapsed Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside, Florida yesterday.
Tropical Storm Elsa’s outer bands are forecast to reach into the Florida Keys today.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday that he would continue wearing a mask in any place that has low coronavirus vaccination rates.
Jeff Bezos formally steps down as CEO of Amazon on Monday.
Pope Francis is recovering after intestinal surgery.
Joey Chestnut won the Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest for the 14th time in 15 years on Sunday, breaking his own record by downing 76 hotdogs in 10 minutes.

And here in Deerfield Village, we’re still enjoying having the porta-potty out front…. we may only have this treat for another week or so. For some of you it’ll be back to work tomorrow, but some of us will just settle in for those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer….
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