Special Day

Every year on this date, I’m faced with the difficult task of writing this blog. It’s not that there isn’t a lot to say, the problem lies with trying to convey the same thought without sounding like a broken record. 

I could say that we’re celebrating Claire’s 29th birthday for the 46th time, but I’ve done that before. I could write happy birthday in the languages of all or most of the countries we’ve visited, but I’ve done that before… it always comes out that in any language, she’s still the love of my life. I could tell you that she’s my best friend… done that. I could tell you that I’d have to pass if a genie offer to grant me a wish — with Claire, I’ve already received my greatest wish…. done that. I could describe her many attributes and good qualities… done that, too.

So I think you can see my problem — after all these years, I still haven’t been able to make my birthday wishes to her capture how I really feel about her. 

Today is a special day for her and I hope it truly is “special.” But again, what do I say to her to express how much I love her and how much she means to me. 
I’m not sure “I love you.” can ever be over-used and I say — and mean — it often. I’ve mentioned before that the Chinese have a phrase, Zhi Zi Zhi Shou, Yu Zi Xie Lao, that means “to hold hands and grow old together.” I like that a lot, but it still doesn’t win out over “I love you.” I’ve also often thought about  when Winnie the Pooh told Piglet that “You don’t spell love… you feel it.” Maybe that’s the problem — I haven’t mastered putting that feeling into words.

So once again, I’ve come up short…..
Menoi, I hope your birthday’s as amazing as you are and as happy as you make me.
You deserve more — but, Happy Birthday — I love you!!
— 30 —

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