Old Blog

A couple of days ago I was reading the “joke” page in the back of the AARP newsletter and it listed some things you feel and think that means you are getting old. Well, that got me to thinking about how my perceptions have changed over the years — not that I’m “old,” but I have to admit that I’m getting older.

When you get older, you get wiser (or so I’ve been told.) So I’ve kind of grown up wth this idea in my head about what it means to be old. I just assumed that when old age came around I’d know right off the bat — but I don’t think that’s the case…. I don’t think there’s any warning that old age is coming for you — it just shows up.

I think some of the signs it may have showed up here is that I’ve noticed that my favorite music is now considered “elevator music,” I seem to pay more attention to the weather report than the news, I see that there is more food in our refrigerator than beer, sleeping on the couch makes my back hurt, and a $5.00 bottle of wine is no longer “pretty good stuff.”

I seem to be forgetting people’s names, even more than usual and find that I really enjoy being asked for my ID. I’ve completely lost touch with everyday technology, like iPads and our TV. I feel tired when I wake up in the morning. I remember when we got a daily newspaper delivered. I find myself complaining about more and more things (if that’s even possible.) 

Anyhow, it’s kind of disturbing to realize that old age isn’t coming for you — it’s already here. But, you know what that say — the good thing about being old is not being young— 30 —

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