In With The New

It may be just a superstition, but I didn’t take any chances — I opened the door at midnight so 2020 could leave. 
We’re off and running in the new year and it’s hard to believe it’s been a year since I didn’t become a better person. I know I treat New Year Resolutions kind of like a joke every year, but it’s as good a time as any to start something new, or to change, or at least think about things and get them in the proper perspective. 

Not to put a damper on resolutions but I heard someone say the other day —  my wish for you is, may you become smart enough to realize that resolutions don’t come true and wise enough to know that the difference between a new year and an old year is 1-minute past 12 AM.

Most resolutions sound good, but they’re only words unless we take action. I think we should all have the resolution this year that we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity.
Once again, Happy New Year — let’s all hope for the best in 2021.
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