Report Card

In case you hadn’t noticed, the year is drawing to a close and as is my custom, it’s about time for me to update everyone  on the New Year’s Resolutions I made back in December of last year. Every year, I grade myself — honestly — on how well I did or am doing, or not doing, the things I said I would, or wouldn’t do.

Here’s the list I made for 2020 — since this year didn’t really fall into the “normal year” category, I think I (and everyone else) should cut me some slack. But anyhow, here’s the list and a truthful assessment of how I’ve been doing.
• I will drive by the Shepherd Wellness Center once a month. 
I have to confess I haven’t done this — but — because of the coronavirus the wellness center has been closed for much of the year, so even though I relaxed my goal from once a week to once a month this year my falling short isn’t totally my fault.

• I promise to wave more often to strangers.
I think I did pretty good with this one, I have waved more at strangers — and, as a bonus, I’ve waved a lot to some strange people. 

• I promise to give one compliment a day. 
I  think I nailed this one, too. I even caught myself giving compliments to myself fairly often.

• I will try a new restaurant.
This one seemed like a slam-dunk, but COVID closed a lot of restaurants… but in spite of that I did try a new (to me) restaurant. We weren’t able to eat inside, but we took the food home.

• I will never back up more than necessary….
I honestly believe I was totally successful here — goal accomplished

• I will talk less, listen more.
I think this one has to go into the success column, too. You might make the argument that I’ve been around fewer people to talk to, but there were also fewer people to listen to. But I listened to the news a lot more this year, so I think that counts.

So there you have it — All things considered, I think I did pretty well again this year. In the next few days, I’ll sit down with pen, pad, and a bottle of wine and come up with my list for next year that will once again give me another chance to be a better me.
— 30 —

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