November…. 2020

Well, here we are in November, the last full month of autumn with the days growing shorter and the beginning of colder temperatures. 

The month kicked off with All Saints Day, a Christian festival held on November 1 that celebrates the lives of all saints — known and unknown. All Soul’s Day, a time for families to remember and honor loved ones who have passed away was November 2, and this year, November 3 was a presidential election. On the 11th, we celebrate Veterans Day and of course Thanksgiving comes along near the end of the month. Black Friday started this year sometime in August, I think — not like traditionally the day after Thanksgiving. 

Lots of pretty significant things have happened during the month of November:
The Erie Canal was formally opened in New York (Nov. 4, 1925)
The Suez Canal opened (Nov. 17, 1869)
Abraham Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address (Nov. 19, 1863)
The Holland Tunnel Opened to traffic (Nov. 13, 1927)
The board game Monopoly hit the market (Nov. 5, 1935)
John F. Kennedy was assassinated (Nov. 22, 1963)
Over 900 of Jim Jones’ followers committed mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana (Nov.19, 1978)

This year, November may turn out to be best known for the most COVID cases per day in history. Hopefully, that won’t be the case…. but whatever it brings, hope everyone has a good November.
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