So Far Away

This month is, obviously, October. There are a few traditional things we acknowledge and participate in every October, like Ten-Ten Day, Columbus Day, Halloween, etc. The past two or three years, we’ve also had another activity that we looked forward to — Grandparents Day at Emily’s school. 

While I haven’t heard anything “official,” I’m guessing we won’t be attending Grandparents Day with Emily this year. 

The regular “National Grandparents Day” is celebrated September 8th — I don’t remember hearing much, if anything, about it this year. It’s extremely difficult for grandparents and grandkids to get together on Grandparents Day, or any other day, this year.
In fact, it’s difficult to get together with anyone — just a sign of the times, I guess.
Reminds me of a Carole King song that was popular about the time we got married… I don’t remember all the words, but it went something like:

Doesn’t anybody stay in one place anymore?
It would be so find to see your face at my door
It doesn’t help to know you’re just time away
Long ago I reached for you and there you stood
Holding you again could only do me good
Oh how I wish I could but you’re so far away.

We miss seeing our grandkids, and our friends — they all seem so far away. Maybe not physically, but we’re certainly virtually separated. Sigh….
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