Welcome July

Well here we are approaching that great American Holiday, the 4th of July — America’s Independence Day and with it all the associated pageantry of parades, hot dogs, barbecues, picnics, fireworks and porta-potties. 

Both faithful readers know that I get excited every year about this time because a few days before America’s Birthday, a porta-potty arrives across the street for us to admire for a few days to a week or more. 

When I mention to friends that I’m looking forward to the arrival of the porta-potty, they usually just ignore me, or remind me that it was my choice to move to West Virginia. 

Obviously a lot of traditions have gone by the wayside in the past few months, so it could be that we will have no porta potty for the 4th. I know some Independence Day celebrations have been cancelled, but not to have the porta potty here on Field Crest Court just somehow seem un-American… stay tuned. The porta-potty watch is on.
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