Number One Girl

Today is our baby girl’s birthday. I remember the day she was born — it was Mother’s Day. This year’s birthday missed being on Mother’s Day by just one day. Kelly didn’t waste any time being born. Sunday morning when we got to the hospital, they said they would get Claire settled in her room and call me in a few minutes — so I figured I’d get a cup of coffee while I waited. The nurse told me to just take the elevator down to the basement and the cafeteria was right there. That’s what I did… I got my coffee, got back on the elevator, went to the nurses station and asked what room Claire was in. The nurse said, “Oh, congratulations, Mr. Williamson, you’re a father!”

Sure enough, I went into the room and there was Claire — and Kelly. Kelly had really, really long hair and she was wide awake. Little did I know that she’d be awake most of her growing up years. But she was the prettiest, cutest baby I’d ever seen… and she turned out to be an adult I couldn’t be prouder of — Happy Birthday, Kelly!
— 30 —

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