A Special Date — Number 48

Well, another year is in the books… Cinco de Mayo, yesterday, was a big day, but today is even bigger — anniversary day. A lot of anniversaries have certain themes, or symbols associated with them, like the 25th is silver, the 50th is gold, etc. But this year is number 48 for us, and I couldn’t find anything that indicated that it was “special” enough to have a theme or symbol of its own.

It seems like 48 should be special — like more special than, say, 45 that has Sapphire as a symbol. But it doesn’t — 48 is just “48.” But as of today, we’ve been married for 17,520 days or 420,480 hours or 25,288,800 minutes, or more than 1,513 million seconds — give or take a few…. and over those 48 years, we’ve spent about 15 of them sleeping and 2½ years eating. In the time left over we’ve been working on becoming that adorable couple that makes all our friends sick. I don’t think we’ve gotten there yet, but we’re working on it. So even if it doesn’t get a special symbol or theme — it’s special. 

I’ve been trying to figure out what I should say to Claire on this “special” day. I suppose I could say, you’re the best, or you’re my favorite, or every day I’m still discovering new things about you to love, or marrying you was the smartest thing I ever did or you’re an amazing wife, or you’re more beautiful now than ever or I’m so lucky to have you — all nice sounding words, and all true. But I guess the best thing to say, and I think/hope I do it every day, is I love you!
So we’ve chalked up another year that Claire has made me laugh, and appreciate her more than I did last year.  

We don’t need themes or symbols, and it doesn’t matter what number you attach to it — it was the best year yet… I think maybe my favorite author, Dr. Seuss, summed it up best — “You know you are in love when you don’t want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
As today’s popular saying goes… and we’re still in this together.
— 30 —

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