
I always look forward to this time of year — I’m not a big fan of cold weather and usually, by now, the weather is getting consistently warmer around here. Of course this year is a “different” year, for lots of reasons — many of them having nothing to do with the weather. 

Even though the first three or four months of this year has been a few days of unseasonably warm weather, followed by several days of very cold weather, the trees are beginning to get leaves and the grass is growing — the picture is our back yard after the last cutting. 

It would be nice if the weather always offered the ideal conditions for lawns to thrive — 60 degrees at night and 80 degrees during the day, and two-inches of soft, steady rain every week… but that doesn’t happen, and the grass still manages to grow. 

I don’t look forward to cutting the grass, but I really don’t mind it either — given the choice, I’d rather cut grass than shovel snow. Someone once said that grass is the cheapest plant to install and the most expensive to maintain. I guess that may be true, but it’s nice to look out and see that nice green carpet all around the house. Of course, there is one good thing about snow — it makes your lawn look as nice as your neighbor’s…..
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