No Place to Go

Needless to say, nothing seems the same these days. Staying at home as much as possible is easier if, like us, you’re retired. So we don’t miss the daily routine of having to get ready for work… but — we do, of course, miss the interacting with other people, going to church, out to eat, and I miss playing golf. We’ve gotten “carry out” at a couple of the local restaurants and the food is still just as good — it just seems strange eating it at home.

The trees are beginning to get their leaves, and I’ve already had to cut the grass, so things seem a little brighter when you look out the window. And a couple of days ago, I put gas in the car and only paid $1.63 a gallon — now that’s got to be good news. I guess the bad news is that now our car is “all gassed up and no place to go.” 
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