
The other evening I was thumbing through one of Claire’s magazines (Real Simple) and there was a short article entitled, “What is the greatest compliment you’ve ever received?” The entire article consisted of several readers sharing the praise they had received that made the most lasting impact on them.

You may be surprised to learn that over the years I’ve received a few compliments. Not a lot, but a few. Thinking back over the years, it’s hard to remember much about them — some I can remember the subject, some the place, some why I was involved in the first place, but I don’t actually remember the compliment.

Except for one — During the Vietnam War I was pretty heavily involved with the ARVN (Army of the Republic of Viet Nam.) Our objective was to establish a country-wide VHF radio network. My counterpart with the ARVN was Col. Lung (really) and we worked together almost daily for more than two years.

When I left Viet Nam, I was given a compliment by Col. Lung — and I remember that compliment because it was written down (actually it was given to me on a plaque.) The inscription reads as follows: “Thank you for doing you know what, for you know who, you know where.” There obviously were very good reasons that the what, who and where couldn’t be filled in at the time.

Actually, that’s one of the nicest, and most unique compliments I’ve ever received — maybe I should send it in to the magazine…..


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