Feeling Better… Not

Last evening, the President delivered an Oval Office Address. Traditionally, presidents use this setting as a way to communicate directly with the American people. It’s called an Oval Office Address because it’s made from the Oval Office in the White House. The Oval Office is considered to be one of the most solemn settings that the President uses to announce/address topics of major or urgent interest to the public. Topics typically include some major personnel move, major new policy initiatives, or often to assure the American people during times of a natural emergency.

Oval Office addresses are alway considered major addresses and serve as a direct connection between the public and the President of the United States.

The first Oval Office address was delivered by President Herbert Hoover, concerning peace efforts and arms reduction in the world. Eisenhower announced his decision to send troops to Little Rock to enforce school desecration from the Oval Office. Kennedy talked about and explained the Cuban Missile Crisis. Ronald Reagan grieved with the nation following the Challenger space shuttle disaster.  Last night President Trump addressed the American public concerning the coronavirus.

I haven’t been witness to a lot of the remarks from the Oval Office, but the ones that I’ve watched or heard always at least left me more informed and usually feeling a little better. This morning, I don’t feel informed — or better.
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