A Public Service Announcement

Last night Super Bowl LIV was played. In case you went to a Super Bowl party, the final score was Chiefs 31 — 49ers 20. I post the score as a public service. 

I started my campaign last year when I proposed there should be no Super Bowl parties — at least not on Super Bowl Sunday. As stated clearly in my proposal for change, Super Bowl parties are all about the party — no one goes to a Super Bowl party to watch the Super Bowl. In case you don’t remember reading my blog last year around this time, here’s what I suggested.

Starting this year, there should be no Super Bowl parties. On Super Bowl Sunday, football fans should stay at home and watch the game. Non-fans should do whatever they do on a Sunday. Beginning this year (2020) instead of Super Bowl parties, there should only be Pro-Bowl parties, my reasoning being that nobody watches the Pro-Bowl and certainly no one cares who “wins.” So it’s the perfect time to have a party. Pro-Bowl parties will be just like Super Bowl parties — lots of food and drinks and the TV tuned to the Pro-Bowl, that no one will be watching, just like the Super Bowl. Except the game doesn’t matter anyhow — alleviating any possible guilty feeling during the party that maybe you should at least check on the game’s progress. 

But like a lot of my ideas, apparently not many people thought it was as good as I did… the Pro-Bowl passed and we didn’t get one invitation to a Pro-Bowl party. Even though I’m a little discouraged, I’m not giving up on my idea — maybe it was just too progressive for some people. I do hope it takes off though, because next year I want to stay home and watch the Browns and Redskins in Super Bowl LV.
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