Lots of Stuff

Tomorrow night (December 12) the last full moon of the decade will appear. It’s hard to believe we’re already entering the next decade, but here we are…

I got to thinking about things that happened in this current decade — it was pretty eventful, but probably falls into the “normal” range as far as decades with significant events go.
Some of the things I remember are….

A major earthquake hit Haiti — if I remember correctly, it killed well over 100,000 people.
There was an explosion of an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico that killed a number of people and spilled oil into the ocean for several months — the BP Oil Spill
One big story was the rescue of 33 miners trapped in a mine in Chile for 68 days
Gabrielle Giffords was shot at a political rally in Arizona
One of the biggest stories of the decade had to be the killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.
A Penn State football coach was accused, and convicted, of molesting young boys.
A lot of news was devoted to the attacks on the US compound in Benghazi 
A director of the CiA (Petraeus) resigned after having an affair with his biographer
Lance Armstrong admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs.
Edward Snowden leaked thousands of documents stolen from NSA
Bill Cosby was accused, and convicted, of sexually assaulting women
The Patriots were under scrutiny for “deflate gate.” Tom Brady was actually suspended for a little while
An Olympic medalist lied abut being robbed at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro
The #MeToo movement got started as a result of sexual assault allegation against Harvey Weinstein
Trump’s lawyer paid Stormy Daniels $130.000 to keep quite about an alleged affair
The Senate Intelligence Committee determined that Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election.
Lots of people, including some “movie stars,” were indicted as part of a massive college admissions scandal
Jeffery Epstein was charged with sex trafficking along with allegations of molesting young girls
The Democrats are preparing to proceed with impeachment charges against the President.

It’s hard to sit down and try to think of all the things that has happened in the world in the last ten years, but without even trying, things pop into my mind that I’d completely forgotten about. I guess it’s good to reflect on the past sometimes, but it’s probably better to just move on and make the best of the future,

I’d be remiss, however, if I didn’t mention the four biggest events of the decade — Emily, Locke, Rory and Ellie. At the start of this decade that’s drawing to a close, we didn’t have any grandchildren…. now we have four!!
— 30 —

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One Response to Lots of Stuff

  1. Claire says:

    And they are the best four grandchildren anyone could ask for – each with a very different personality. Love each and every one of them!

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