Cars and Cards

I just got an Apple Card — just what I need — another credit card. The first credit card I ever had was American Express. I got my first American Express card sometime around 1960… there wasn’t very many places that accepted it back then. I got the card because of work — it apparently helped with accounting and it proved useful when traveling — something I was doing a lot of in those days. The card wasn’t free, but my employer(s) always paid the annual fee.

In 1972, a friend had dropped his car off for service at the Dudley-Martin Chevrolet dealership in Manassas, Virginia. I picked him up in the morning as we were attending a training class in a neighboring town. When we went back to pick up his car that afternoon, I went into the showroom, while he was dealing with the service department. In the middle of the showroom floor sat a shiny gold Corvette. I was looking at the car and a salesman approached and asked if I would be interested. It turns out that in 1972, Dudley-Martin was located outside of Manassas proper, and Manassas itself was a “small town.” The salesman told me that they had had the car on the showroom floor for several months and no one had shown much interest in it. (Manassas was basically a farming community back then.) Anyhow, the salesman said he’d make me an extremely good deal, because they wanted to get rid of the Corvette. The “sticker” price was just slightly over $6,000. I offered, and he accepted $4,400. While he was filling out the paperwork, I gave him my American Express card. He looked at it, and said, “What’s this?” I told him it was my American Express card. He said he understood that, but why was I giving it to him? I told him that I had just agreed to buy a car and I was using the American Express card to purchase it. He said, “You can’t buy a Corvette with an American Express Card.” I said, “Why not? The sticker on your door says, ‘American Express Accepted Here.’” He said, “But that’s for parts or accessories — not for cars!” I said, “You sell cars, and the sticker says American Express accepted here. I don’t want the car.” Since I hadn’t signed anything, I picked up my card and started for the door. The salesman said, “Wait — I’ll talk to my manager.” The manager came over and we had the same conversation all over again and I started toward the door. The manager and salesman stopped me again and said I could put half the cost of the car on the credit card. Again — I started to leave. By this time my friend had paid for his service and was waiting on me. I told them my ride was leaving and I had to go. The manager asked that I wait for him to make a phone call… while we were waiting, they actually gave me and my friend a beer. This was 1972 in Virginia, so I figured they must be serious if they give you a beer. (I’m pretty sure that may have been illegal in Virginia in 1972.)

To make what’s already become a long story, at least a little shorter — they called American Express and they charged my credit card $4,400. When I got my statement, the charge was listed as “Corvette.”
I wonder what I can buy with my Apple Card…..
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