
The topic of the day after golf last week was Maine. One of our regular golfers spends his summers in Maine, and Kelly, Chris, Emily and the pups are vacationing in Maine with the Giffords. Anyhow, someone said that our friend, Fred, might venture out in his boat and end up in Africa. That statement was met with a few puzzled looks around the table. The speaker went on to explain that Maine was the closest state to Africa…. and the discussion started.

Someone thought Florida was closer to Africa than Maine, so the iPhones came out and the search was on. I think we all learned in geography class that if you cross the Atlantic Ocean from the United States, you can end up in Africa. But where should you leave from along the east coast to make the trip in the shortest distance?

We had three opinions — Florida, North Carolina and Maine. Turns out the correct answer is Maine — all our iPhones agreed. Maine, specifically a peninsula called Quoddy Head, is the closest point in the United States to Africa. The peninsula is home to the Quoddy Head Light, a quaint little lighthouse that is just about 3,154 miles from El Beddouz in Africa.
So golf is not only good exercise for the body, it’s good for the brain, too.
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