Forward — or Suffer the Consequences

I was cleaning out some old e-mails as part of my “clean-start” for the new year and came across one that had a religious theme and contained a prayer and an invitation to pray for anything you need/want.

I really couldn’t see the point of the e-mail, but the closing sentence kind of annoyed me – no – it really annoyed me. Here’s the sentence:
“You must forward this e-mail to 9 people in the next 9 minuets for your prayer to be answered.”

Now I checked the header to see who sent this to me (it wasn’t God.) I wonder if the sender had heard from God, or was so tight-knit with God that he or she was passing along God’s direction that He was going to ignore me if I didn’t forward His e-mail in the next 9 minutes.

I have a real problem with the statement or implication that God is so mean spirited as to punish you for not forwarding an e-mail. A lot of good things have happened to all of us and will continue to happen, regardless of whether or not we forward that e-mail…


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