Something’s Missing

Well, here we are rapidly approaching a major American holiday — Independence Day. And honestly, I’m becoming a little concerned — as both you faithful readers know, by this time every year we have that great American Symbol of Independence — the Porta Potty — delivered to our neighborhood, right across the street from us.

Now I don’t like to be critical, but how can we truly celebrate America’s Birthday without the Porta Potty? Why, you might as well not fly the flag. Last year we were able to enjoy looking at the Porta Potty for 12 plus days… the 4th is only two days away, so even if it arrives today or tomorrow, and we get our normal 12 days, a lot of that time will be “after the fact.”

I’ve heard that the big party may not be held on the 4th this year, it may be pushed back until Saturday. If that’s true, it’ll be a shame — like celebrating George Washington’s Birthday on a Monday rather than his real birthday.

Obviously I’m a little bummed, but I’m probably not the only one — I know all of us here on Field Crest Court anxiously await the arrival of the Porta Potty every year. I’ll probably blog on the 4th, but until then, keep your fingers crossed that the Porta Potty arrives soon….
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