Oh Them Texans

I was watching a quiz show a day or so ago and one of the questions was, “What is the only state that once had a king?” Actually, I knew the answer… Hawaii. Well, that got me to thinking. A number of years ago, I was in one of my least favorite European countries — France. When I was in Paris, I remembered seeing a plaque on a wall indicating that the place had at one time been the Embassy of Texas. I couldn’t remember all the details, so I had to do some of my extensive research to remember what I had seen. According to what I found out, the building I had been in was the Hôtel Bataille Francès (currently the Hôtel de Vendôme) and there is indeed a carving on the wall that reads: “Embassy of Texas in 1842-1843 this building was the seat of the Embassy of the Republic of Texas in Paris.” By the French-Texan Treaty of 20 September 1839, France was the First Nation to recognize the Republic of Texas, an independent state between 1836 and 1845. So here’s the background….

It seems like Texas has always dreamed of being its own country. From 1836-1845 it did exist as its own country. After breaking off from Mexico and announcing its autonomy, the republic was so eager to boost its international standing that it sent representatives to open embassies overseas. (Actually, these “Embassies” were really Legations — a diplomatic mission managed by someone with a lower-ranking official than an ambassador.) The reason for opening all these “Embassies” was that Texas feared an invasion from south of the border and thought war with Mexico was inevitable, so it began shoring up global support. Texas opened other embassies in Europe — I know for sure there was one in London. But the one in Paris is the only location I’ve visited.

Of course the independent Republic of Texas was short-lived. Texas was annexed by the United States on December 29, 1845 and ceased to be an independent country. It became the 28th state of the United States.

Growing up in Oklahoma, I heard lots and lots of stories from Texans…I imagine even today they are hoping to become their “own country.” I think the last time I was in a Texas airport, they were still selling secession t-shirts. I don’t know — the way things a going, maybe Texas has the right idea…. Of course if they secede they might risk a trade war with the US….
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