Ahoy! Here it is again, me most favorite of all me favorite holidays – National Talk Like a Pirate Day!!

This year the celebration will be even more special, if that’s possible, because this is the 10th anniversary of the holiday.

Ye are probably thinking the day will be hopping here in Shepherdstown. To some extent, that’s true – there’ll be the usual Hornpipe ceremony of course and ye can’t let the day go by without me splice the mainbrace and listen to a shanty or two…

But this year, me and me wench Claire are going to take it easy and just reflect on the good times we’ve had on this day over the past 10 years.

Of course in the evening we’ll knock on all the doors in the neighborhood and yell, “arrr scurvy dog I be needin to swill a pint or two of grog.” That’s always one of the highlights of the day. If the grog isn’t forthcoming, me usually use the blige rat insult, or sometimes “ye scurvy dog!” response.

All in all, me expects the normal good time. Fair winds, me hearties!!


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2 Responses to TLAP

  1. JR says:


    I knew you wouldn’t miss this day. Happy TLAP day!

  2. UJ says:

    Arrrr!! I’d just about rather miss Christmas!!

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