Car Wash Terror

We’ve had a lot of rain around here lately and it seems like our cars are always dirty, so we seem to spend a lot of time at the car wash. There’s a really nice full-service car wash not too far from our house and we go there often. I’ve wondered what it would be like to be “stuck” in one of those car wash tunnels… well, last week it happened. We were probably half way through the tunnel and everything just stopped. I thought of all sorts of things like what if it never starts again and no one finds us for weeks and weeks. This particular car wash has windows along the side so it really wasn’t super dark — if it had been really dark it might have been a little spooky.

Anyhow, it’s one of those experiences in life that our grandkids probably won’t care much about. I can’t imagine Locke saying, “hey, Poppi, tell me again about that time you were stuck in the car wash.” But if someone wants to play that stupid ‘never have I ever’ game with me, to “been stuck in a car wash” I can answer yes — or maybe no — I forget how it’s played…..
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