Out like a Lamb…

Goodbye February, hello March. I’m always happy when March rolls around every year because it means that I’ve survived the two most depressing months of the year. I think the old Roman calendars had it right when their year was only ten months long — beginning with March. They didn’t even bother naming January and February — those two months were just referred to as “winter.” I’m thinking that it might be good to return to those days of old…

I feel better now that it’s March, even though as I write this, it’s snowing outside. “They” always say, if March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb. I’m not sure if there’s really any truth to the saying, but I’ve read that many of these “sayings” are based on careful observations and turn out to be fairly accurate.There are always a lot of theories as to where these proverbs, sayings or folklore originated. Long ago, people often believed that bad spirits could, and did, affect the weather adversely, so they were cautious as to what they did or didn’t do in certain situations. They also believed that there should be a balance in weather and life. So — if a month came in bad (roaring like a lion), it should go out good (docile, like a lamb.) Maybe that’s the reason for the saying/proverb… why it stuck for just March, well….

I guess the Lion/Lamb proverb is probably the most famous March weather one, but I’ve also heard:
A dry March and a wet May? Fill barns and bays with corn and hay.
As it rains in March, so it rains in June.
March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers.

I’m sure there are many more, but they don’t immediately come to mind. But this year March certainly came in like a lion, so we can hope it will end on a calm note and exit like a lamb — but the key word is hope.
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