Hamburgers are Romantic — Who Knew?

Well, here it is Valentine’s Day again — last year Valentine’s Day fell on Ash Wednesday, presenting a dilemma for some people. It wasn’t a problem for us, because as I’ve mentioned in the past, we never celebrate Valentine’s Day on Valentine’s Day.

Every year around Valentine’s Day, I write something about the holiday and like a lot of the holidays that repeat, I’m running out of things to write. I usually include some facts about the day, like:
The first Valentine’s Day candy box was invented by Richard Cadbury in the late 19th century. Or, every Valentine’s Day, the Italian City of Verona receives approximately 1,000 letters that have been addressed to Juliet. This is where Romeo and Juliet, the young lovers in Shakespeare’s play, lived. Or maybe the fact that penicillin was introduced on February. 14 in 1929 — if you give this some serious thought it’s appropriate or ironic or something like that.

But I thought this year I might just pass along some useful information that a lot of people may not be aware of…. it may be a little late for this year, but tuck it away for next year.
You and your loved one can share romance at White Castle. You read that right — the fast-food burger chain takes reservations (via Open Table) for February 14.
The reservations include perks like hostess seating, music, table side service and decorations. White Castle said that last year, more than 30,000 customers enjoyed their Valentine’s Day experience. Many people have shared stories about meeting the loves of their lives, or forming lifelong friendships at White Castle. And — for those who’d rather be romantic in the privacy of their homes, White Castle offers a Valentine’s Day experience delivered to their customers.

I pass along this information as a public service… but no matter where you choose to celebrate, I hope you have a great time. I should mention that around our house, that Valentine’s Day is also a reminder that Christmas Decorations have to come down soon…
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