Party On….

We went to a Super Bowl party last night. We had a really good time, as usual. The game, won by the Patriots, generally received fairly poor reviews and it didn’t set any records as being the most watched game or anything like that. But — the fact is, Super Bowl parties aren’t much about the game, anyhow. I’m sure at least some of the people at the party last night don’t even know who won… I have a feeling at least a couple didn’t know who was playing.

If anyone is really interested in watching the game, they don’t go to a Super Bowl party to do it — Super Bowl parties are all about the party, the fact that a football game is being played is just a good excuse to have a party.

Now, that said, here’s my proposal… Next year, there should be no Super Bowl parties. The day of the game, football fans should stay at home and watch the game. Non-fans should do whatever they do on a Sunday.

From now on, let’s have Pro-Bowl parties. Here’s why — nobody watches the Pro-Bowl and certainly no one cares who “wins.” So it’s the perfect time to have a party. Gather all your food and drinks and friends and party away. Of course you must have the TV tuned to the Pro-Bowl, but no one will watch it — just like the Super Bowl, except the game doesn’t matter anyhow. This takes away any guilty feeling during the party, that maybe you should at least check out how the game’s going.
So congratulations to the Patriots, better luck to the Rams next year — if you both make it to the big game again, maybe we’ll actually be watching, not partying….
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