M, B & TP

They’re predicting snow here today — somewhere between 4 and 7 inches. When we lived in Vienna, the mere mention of (possible) snow sent everyone into a panic mode. If you went to the store, most of the shelves were empty. If you wanted/needed to buy milk, or bread or toilet paper — forget it!

This morning, here in Shepherdstown, we went out to run a few errands and stopped at our only food store (Food Lion.) There were probably a few more people in the store than usual, but we were in and out in a short period of time. Claire insisted that I take a picture of the bread isle (see the photo.)

I guess these people in Shepherdstown don’t realize that if 4 inches of snow is predicted, you have to have a six week supply of bread…. sure hope they can all survive the storm.
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