Ten Ten Day 2018

Well, here it is time for some Chinese food again. Today is Ten Ten Day. Anyone that’s been reading this blog over the years, knows what’s coming. For anyone that’s stumbled across this by accident, here’s what I write just about every year.

Ten Ten Day (the 10th of October) is the National Day of the Republic of China. It commemorates the start of the Wuchang Uprising of 10 October 1911 that led to the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in China — and the establishment of the ROC on the island of Taiwan (on 1 January 1912.)
In Taiwan, Ten Ten Day begins with a flag-raising ceremony in front of the Presidential Building. After the flag is raised, the National Anthem of the Republic of China is sung.

In Taiwan, nearly all Taiwanese have the day off from work. In Hong Kong, small parades and celebrations are held though they have not been as lavish since the transfer of Hong Kong’s sovereignty from the United Kingdom to China in 1997. Overseas Chinese living in cities with large Chinatowns also host Ten Ten Day parades.

In mainland China, Ten Ten Day is referred to as the Anniversary of the Wuchang Uprising and memorial celebrations are often held.

Here in Shepherdstown, we always go out for Chinese food and celebrate with a glass of plum wine to top off the meal. It’s our very own tradition that began in 1972 when we lived in Manila next door to the Taiwanese Embassy and noticed the big parties they always held on Ten Ten Day. Now we look forward to it every year.
Happy Ten Ten Day to all….
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