Another Year Older

Those of you who check this blog annually know what’s coming today…. of course I wish America a happy 242nd birthday, but more importantly I want to remind everyone that the annual Porta Potty has arrived and that we’ll only be able to appreciate it for a few more days — by next week, it’ll be gone until (maybe) next July.

I’ve learned over the years that we should be thankful for what we have… thankful may not be exactly the right word, but I suppose there could be worse things than having a Porta Potty almost in your front yard — and it does serve as a reminder of our country’s birthday and how lucky we are to live here.
So as you celebrate the 4th in your own special or traditional way, remember only those of us here on Field Crest Court are enjoying the view of that great American symbol of the 4th, the Porta Potty.
Happy Birthday America. Hope everyone has a safe and fun day…..
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