There are no words….

Every year at this time, I struggle for just the right words to say Happy Birthday to my true love — and every year, I fall short. Some things are very hard put into words, or at least words that adequately convey the feelings they are intended to…

I’m okay with the words “Happy Birthday” – that pretty much just says, “ this is a special day for you and I hope it’s nice.” The part that I have trouble with is finding the words that express how much I love her and how much she means to me.

If you’re a follower of this blog, you know that over the years, I’ve tried many approaches… I’ve tried to describe her many attributes, like being one of the smartest people that I know and her being quick-witted and funny and a memory like an elephant, etc.
None of these “good qualities” sound particularly romantic, but all these things go into making her the person that she is — no, make that the special person that she is.

A few years ago, I tried writing Happy Birthday and I love you in a lot of the languages spoken in the various countries we’ve visited. While it may have been interesting, when all was said and done, just “Happy Birthday” and “I love you” seemed to win out.

People that have known us for a while have probably at some time heard me refer to Claire as “my first wife.” While that’s true, she really is the love of my life.

There is a Winnie the Pooh cartoon in which Piglet asks, “How do you spell love?” Winnie the Pooh replied, “You don’t spell it… you feel it.” Maybe that’s the answer — there really aren’t any words.
So once again this year, words fail me…. it may sound sappy, and repetitive, but it’s true — loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will. Happy Birthday to the love of my life. You are still the woman of my dreams and hanging out with you is still my favorite thing to do.
— 30 —


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