Hello Spring

Today is the first day of spring… I always feel (at least psychologically) better when spring arrives. Today is a little different — it’s not noon yet and we have between 5 and 6 inches of snow on the ground.

Usually on this day every year, I blog about spring stuff, or at least fun stuff. If you remember last year I was excited when I thought that I had discovered that a broom would “stand alone” on the day of the vernal equinox. Even though it proved not to be true, it was something to get excited over and it was even fun to prove it not to be true.

But today isn’t a fun day — I don’t particularly like snow… well actually, I don’t mind the snow, it’s just that it always seems to come during cold weather, and I hate cold weather. I just checked and the current temperature is 30 degrees. This is the first day of spring and it’s 30 degrees and snowing.

I used to blame all these kinds of things on the Russians, but then the Cold War ended and I blamed it on whoever was in the White House, or which party controlled Congress….  I even sometimes attributed it to global warming. But I’m running out of people to blame…. maybe this time I’ll put the blame on the EPA — especially Pruitt. Seems like a nice guy to blame.
But it is what it is…. they say no winter lasts forever. So, hopefully, that’s true. I guess for now, the best advice is to keep calm. Spring is coming.
— 30 —


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