Older…. Wiser?

I’ve heard it said that it’s not particularly hard to run a mile… just set an easy pace and jog along until you’ve gone a mile. If you want to run a fast, or competitive, mile — that’s a different story.
That kind of sums up the way I’ve felt lately — I think I can still run a mile, but I sure as heck can’t run it as “fast” as I once did. I guess it’s a fact that when you get older, the body slows down and even some of the simplest movements hurt. Your spirit or mentality doesn’t age, but I think the mental part becomes wiser and kind of alters itself to accommodate the body.
By now I’ve learned that some battles aren’t worth my energy and I’ve resolved that there’s no need for pushing so hard it hurts.

Lately, for me, it seems to be like running that mile — it’s all about the pace. The word pace comes from the Latin “passus” that means a step, or literally “the stretching out of the feet.” And my pace is becoming more like the turtle than the hare.
Gandhi once said, “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” I agree with that and I think the older we grow, the more we should try to solve our problems by wisdom rather than muscle
— 30 —


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