TLAP — 2017

Well, here be me most favorite holiday again — Talk Like a Pirate Day. Today everyone around here will be calling each other ‘me hearties,’ be donning their finest eye patches and pulling the usual shenanigans that they do every year. Needless to say me and me wench Claire have been lookin fore t’ it since last year.

Both my favorite readers know I get very excited about today every year. But on a serious note, the day is more than just saying aaargh a lot and using ye instead of you. Even though many people just substitute ‘me’ when they usually use ‘my’ and celebrate by having a drink, for those of us who honestly wish that we had been pirates, it’s a day to reflect on what could have been… and especially today, we can can imagine ourselves the image of swaggering pirateness.

Even though some think pirates just ran around looting gold and causing terror on the seas, pirates like every one else, had their own personal problems. So today is also for celebrating and forgetting your woes.
Happy TLAP Day, me hearties!!
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