Monthly Archives: August 2023


I usually mention about this time every year that August 13 is kind of a special day around here. It’s the day that Claire and myself went on our first official date and it’s also my dad’s birthday.I suppose that … Continue reading

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We get a monthly magazine from an investment firm and looking through the last issue, there was an article titled “The Mysteries of History.” It had brief paragraphs about a lot of “mysteries” both past and present. It mentioned things … Continue reading

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No More Dog Days

Well, if you’re not a big fan of hot weather, there’s good news and bad news.The good news is that today marks the official end of the “dog days of summer.” The bad news? Unofficially, it’s probably going still be … Continue reading

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St. Lawrence Day

Today is one of those Feast Days in the Catholic Church that I really don’t know much about. Maybe I haven’t been paying attention, bur I don’t remember hearing any priest over the years, say much about him. So — I … Continue reading

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Bombs, Elevators, Bears and Rice Pudding

Today is August 9, and while not generally recognized as quite as significant day as August 6, it played a major role in history. I’m sure you’re aware that on this date in 1945, the US dropped the second atomic … Continue reading

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Weather Advice

The weather has always generated a lot of “sayings,” beliefs, and folklore. Some I remember when growing up, or have heard over the years include, “it’s dog days and snakes are blind, ye better be careful cause they’ll strike at … Continue reading

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Indian Giver

I heard the term “Indian giver”  the other day. I hadn’t heard it for a very long time. When I was a kid, we used it all the time and it was right up there near the top of one … Continue reading

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Getting Old(er)

Well, once again, it’s my birthday. I guess when your birthday comes around, it represents another year of growth and lessons learned — and — the opportunity to pause, reflect and appreciate all that we are — and have been. … Continue reading

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Tomorrow is a very important day. I know, most of you are thinking that it’s my birthday — and I must admit that my birth is certainly a significant event to be celebrated on August 6th.But, if you can imagine, … Continue reading

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Preparing for Jeopardy

Last night we were watching jeopardy and one of the contestants missed a question that pictured an animal — the contestant identified it as a buffalo, but the correct answer was a bison. The category, I think, was American History. … Continue reading

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