Monthly Archives: April 2022

Palm Sunday

Today is Palm Sunday — the Sunday before Easter, and the final day of Lent. The day marks the occasion when Jesus rode on a donkey and entered Jerusalem. The name stems from the fact that people in Jerusalem threw … Continue reading

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Farewell Winter Golf

I like to play golf, although there seems to some disagreement as to what I do on the golf course is really “playing golf.” Nonetheless, I enjoy it and of course what makes it the most enjoyable, is that the … Continue reading

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Hit the Road

There’s been a lot of talk about our deteriorating infrastructure lately. Obviously, it’a been neglected over the years and certainly needs to be upgraded and repaired. When a lot of people hear infrastructure, they think of the roads, and specifically … Continue reading

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Playing games with the grandkids is always fun, but a lot of games they’re familiar with, I’ve never heard of — but they’re still fun and maybe more fun as I listen to the grandkid’s explanation of how they’re played. … Continue reading

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Color of Mourning

We’ve been to way too many funerals recently. One of the things I’ve always noticed about funeral services is that everyone tends to dress up — even today, when people typically dress more casually when going to the theater or … Continue reading

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Final Four

March Madness, as usual, has had some pretty exciting games. There’s always a “Cinderella” team — This year it was St. Peter’s, being the first 15th seeded team to make it to the Elite Eight. But after all the smoke … Continue reading

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Today’s subject is something I admit I don’t know much about (I know, you’re wondering how this is any different than everything else I write about) — but today is the beginning of Ramadan.Ramadan is the ninth month of the … Continue reading

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April Fool

Today is April Fool’s Day, also sometimes called All Fools’ Day. As I’ve mentions in previous April 1st blogs, even though its been commemorated for centuries by a multitude of cultures in various locations, its precise origin is actually unknown. … Continue reading

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