Monthly Archives: March 2022

The Ides

I know — I’ve talked about this before, but it’s kind of becoming a tradition that I discuss the Ides of March every year when it comes around. So you probably won’t be learning anything new — if you want … Continue reading

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Today is one of those confusing days — it’s Pi Day, but it’s not about pies, it’s about the most studied number in mathematics. Even if you’re not aware of it, the number pi is fundamental to our understanding of … Continue reading

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Spring Ahead

It’s that time again — the beginning of daylight saving time. In the United States, daylight saving time lasts for a total of 34 weeks, running from early to mid March to the beginning of November. This year, daylight saving time … Continue reading

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Square Earth

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that it’s impossible to read the news on any given day without running across an article about some conspiracy. Personally, I’m becoming skeptical of just about everything. I really thought … Continue reading

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Number Please

This month there are two “Phone Days.” Well, actually, only one day, but two separate, but related subjects. March 10 is International Find a Phone Booth Day and National Landline Day. Both events celebrate telephones that are, or soon will … Continue reading

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Not As They Seem….

Back in the early 70s we were living in Manila in the Philippines. We lived in an apartment Building downtown — right on Manila Bay and from our balcony we could see what looked like a very nice motel, pretty … Continue reading

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Keep On Truckin

When I turned on the news this morning, I expected hear the latest updates on Ukraine, but the story was the trucks coming to Washington. Most of us have been focused on Ukraine lately, but apparently there’s another war — … Continue reading

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Cinco de Marcho

We all know about Cinco de Mayo on the 5th of May, but March also has a pretty cool holiday (even if it is unofficial or made-up) known as Cinco de Marcho. This holiday has been around since 2007 and … Continue reading

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Let There Be Light

Anyone that’s read this blog over the years may remember that when we first moved to Shepherdstown, we participated in making the Paschal, or Easter, candle for our church. In the past I’ve described a bit how we did it … Continue reading

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Great Lakes Pirates

Claire got a note from Suzanne asking if I knew there were pirates on the Great Lakes. Being that I’ve always wanted to be a pirate and the fact that Talk Like A Pirate Day is my very favorite holiday, … Continue reading

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