Monthly Archives: July 2021

It’s Only Money

We visited our grandkids, Locke, Rory and Ellie, a couple of weekends ago. It’s interesting how each generation of kids has different interests. Things that we were fascinated by, or liked, are of little or no interest to the little … Continue reading

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Well, we all seem to have made it through the 4th safe and sound so we find ourselves in the midst of summer. In case you’re reading this some years from now, you may be interested to know that the … Continue reading

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Independence Day — 2021

Happy Birthday America!!  Americans across the country are ready to celebrate July 4 in a big way, especially since the pandemic pretty much prevented much celebrating last year. Here in Deerfield Village, looks like things are all set — the … Continue reading

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The Day Before

Here we are at the start of a long holiday weekend. Of course tomorrow is the big day — July 4th, “America’s Birthday.” The Naional Park Service will host the annual Independence Day fireworks celebration on the National Mall and … Continue reading

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First Vote for Independence

Yesterday, we talked about what happened on July 1, 1776 — the Continental Congress re-convened for the purpose of adopting the Lee Resolution for independence. They didn’t actually get down to business until the following day — today’s day in … Continue reading

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How do you spell relief? p-o-r-t-a—p-o-t-t-y. For all of those holding their breath in anticipation (including me) — the porta-potty is here!! It’s even more beautiful than I remember and this year, its been moved to a more prominent location so … Continue reading

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July 1, 1776

Since it’s now July and we’re waiting on the porta-potty, I thought we might talk about what July might have been like in 1776. When the colonies convened a Continental Congress in Philadelphia during the summer of 1776, the conflict … Continue reading

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Still Waiting

Here it is July and while I’m getting a little concerned, the countdown for the arrival of the porta-potty is still on — I expect its arrival at any time now. The July 4 celebration will certainly be different than … Continue reading

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