Monthly Archives: March 2021

Dial “0” for…. ?

Yesterday, we discussed the demise of telephone booths. I was thinking that even in the very small town of Maysville, we had a couple of telephone booths when I was young. But if you’ve read this blog over the years, … Continue reading

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Call to Action

Today is International Find a Pay Phone Booth Day. If, for some reason, you’ve tried to find one lately, you know that they are on the endangered species list. I have heard that pay phone booths are still “out there,” … Continue reading

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The Finger

I read an article the other day and it referred to someone’s ring finger. It occurred to me that I immediately knew that they were referring to the finger next to the “little” finger — on the left hand. Well, … Continue reading

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Non-Inauguration Day

There’s been a lot in the news about today (March 4) — at least one radical group claiming that former President Trump will be inaugurated as the new President…. (Spoiler Alert — that won’t happen.) Anyhow, until the ratification of … Continue reading

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Old Blog

A couple of days ago I was reading the “joke” page in the back of the AARP newsletter and it listed some things you feel and think that means you are getting old. Well, that got me to thinking about … Continue reading

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Marching On….

March may be named after the Roman god of war but it’s one of the happier months for me. We’re finally rid of February and psychologically I just feel better when the first of March rolls around. So here we … Continue reading

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