Monthly Archives: November 2020

November…. 2020

Well, here we are in November, the last full month of autumn with the days growing shorter and the beginning of colder temperatures.  The month kicked off with All Saints Day, a Christian festival held on November 1 that celebrates … Continue reading

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It’s a Locke

Today is our favorite grandson’s birthday.Happy Sixth Birthday Locke!!!— 30 —

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The Eyes Have It

We both went to the eye doctor this past week. The doctor has been predicting that I’d need cataract surgery very soon for the past several years. Once again this year he seemed a little disappointed — while I do … Continue reading

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Do It!

Today is election day — many think it may be the most important election in their lifetimes. That may or may not be, but all elections are important. I’ve lived enough places in the world to have seen elections  that … Continue reading

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Happy Anniversary

Today is a special day.It’s the wedding anniversary of my favorite twins’ and grandson’s parents.Happy Seventh Wedding Anniversary, Dave and Chassie!!!— 30 —

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We always keep a bottle of champagne in the fridge for special occasions.Sometimes, the special occasion is that we’ve got a bottle of champagne in the fridge.— 30 —

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